Welcome to the Patriots Europe Community

It is our goal to create an international Patriots community for you. The community also needs you as a part of it. It is not the same without you!

Please join our social media network on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Get in touche with other Patriots fan experts in our Forum or talk with fans accross europe on our Discord channel.

Like & comment

Like our Facebook Site for news arround the Patriots and our organization. Join our Facebook Group to talk with other fans accross europe.

Tweete with us

Follow our Twitter account for important news arround the Patriots and our organization.

Follow us

Follow our european network on Instagram and share your best "Fan-Moments" with europe. This is our community in pictures.

The Patriots Europe Forum

You want to discuse like an expert? Our Forum is the right spot to discuse with fans accrosse europe - everything. It is our main goal to create interessting discussions, bring up important topics and talk with you about the Patriots, the NFL and our fanclubs.
We want to generate high-end quality in our forum.


This is Discord!

You want more than just writing?
Talk and meet Patriots fans accross europe on our Discord server.

You should get your invitation to our Discord from your other fanclub members. Please ask them, contact your fanclub leaders or write us an email to get an invitation.

The Discord server is basicly for members of the Patriots Europe. If your fanclub is not affilated with us, please contact your fanclub leaders to send us an membership application. We are very happy to welcome your fanclub.

Link to join the discord server is limited up to 100 registrations. If it does not work please ask your fanclub members for an invitation or write an email. Thanks.