Who we are
The Patriots Europe is an umbrella organization for official registered New England Patriots fanclubs in Europe. We are a strong network of fanclubs across europe. It is our goal to get a lager voice to work with the Patriots and the NFL. We support our affilated fanclubs with our "Leadership Board" to gear up all fanclub leaders and in the end to bring your fanclub to the next professional level your fanclub deserve. And last but not least, we support and furter development a strong fan community in europe - because "We are all Patriots".
The Patriots Europe is much more than an umbrella organization. It is a international network where fanclub leaders and fans meet and talk about the Patriots, the NFL and our future as fanclubs.
Join the conversation and bring in your toughts...

Marco Hösli
President of the Patriots Europe
Our Mission
We simply have only tree official goals, we want to reach:
1. Creat connections between fanclubs, the New England Patriots and the NFL.
2. Creat a better conversation between the leaders of the fanclubs with our "Leadership Board".
3. Support and development of the fan community in europe.
Our Vision
Create with us the future of a fanclub. Share and develope with other fans your thoughts and ideas to creat benefits for all. It is a discussion between fanclub leaders from different fanclubs and countrys and also between all fanclub members of the Patriots Europe Organization.
Together we create the future.
Our Values
"Respect and sportsmanship" are the true keys to be a truelly fan.
Respect your team, respect your opponent and respect the rules.
It is a thing of impossibility to celebrate sport without these values.
Official Board
The Patriots Europe Official Board
Community Team
This is the Patriots Europe Community Team
Community Team
Join us now.
Media Team
This is the Patriots Europe Media Team
Media Team
Jessica Knoll, Germany, Facebook- and Instagram-Moderation;
Event Team
This is the Patriots Europe Event Team
Event Team
Jessica Knoll, Germany, Event Planer Assistant;
Special Team Positions
This people working in special positions for the Patriots Europe