„It is time to say officially HELLO to the Patriots Nation in Europe.“, sayd Marco Hösli, future President of the Patriots Europe Organization.
The Patriots Europe warmly welcomes all staff members in the organization. We are very proud to have all of this people together go start with the project and the new european network for our great Patriots fans.
This is our „Official Board“:
Marco Hösli from Switzerland, President of the Patriots Europe
He is also the president of the New England Patriots Fan Club Switzerland.
Dirk Salfemeier from Germany, Vice-President of the Patriots Europe
He is also the president of the New Berlin Patriots in Germany.
Markus Agebrink from Sweden, Treasurer of the Patriots Europe
He is also the president of the Patriots Sweden.
Ronni D. Bisgaard from Denmark, Community-Manager of the Patriots Europe
He is also the president of the Patriots Denmark.
Francesco Cugusi from Italy, Media-Manager of the Patriots Europe
He is also the president of the Patriots Italy.
Our other staff we want to welcome:
– Ronny Degiacomi from Switzerland, Teamleader Discord
Thank you guys for your work in the past and future! This is very important.
Do you want to join our staff? No problem. Go to our Job Board and see what you can do for the Patriots Nation in europe.
Dirk Salfemeier
I like to say „Hello“ too to the newest born „child“ in the worldwide fanstructures. Hello to all the Patriots-Fans and Fan-Clubs in the entire Europe. I´m proud to be a part of that rising organization with a lot of competence, will and acknowledge to push that pogram forward in the future. Let them guys over the ocaen hear and see, what Europe is bringing in to cheer and root for the Patriots-Family in Foxborough and in the whole wide world. Well, … we want to „DO OUR JOB!“